Mischief Managed

Growing Up with Harry Potter

J.K. Rowling's fantastical coming-of-age series has taught me some of the most important life lessons one could ever hope to learn. Even as a child of ten, I knew there was something special about Harry Potter, that every magical (see what I did there?) sentence I read was full of a certain transformative wisdom that would stay with me for as long as I lived...and read. 

While I curse every day that passes without my receiving a Hogwarts acceptance letter, I still count the Harry Potter series as the collection of books that most changed my life. I passed hundreds of sticky summer hours sitting amongst the cool branches of the Bradford Pear tree in my front yard, consuming the pages of Harry Potter like a toddler scrambling for the crumbs of a stolen cookie. Through the story of The Boy Who Lived, I was able to transport myself to a world of wands, spells, broomsticks, and butterbeer. For a little girl terrified of being bored, reading was the perfect escape, especially when it involved learning of a world so very different from my own. Each character and adventure gave me a new perspective on the world and on the nature of humankind. 

The Golden Trio (Harry, Hermione, & Ron) taught me that true friendships, the kind that last a lifetime, are pleasantly uncomplicated and ultimately better your inner being. 

Severus Snape taught me that love has no boundaries. Loving someone, whether romantically or platonically, whether mutual or unrequited, means cherishing that person in every way, in spite of their flaws, because real love lasts: "always."

Luna Lovegood taught me that being weird is okay. Who we are should be celebrated just as much as who we want to be. 

Fred and George Weasley taught me that the power of laughter is eternal and can bring light into the darkest of places. 

Draco Malfoy taught me that while we are all victims of our circumstances, it's possible to rise above our limitations. 

Dobby taught me that freedom is a gift, not a privilege, and should be treasured.

Neville Longbottom taught me that our inadequacies do not define who we are. Our strengths may surprise us. 

Albus Dumbledore taught me that real wisdom is gained through experience and is always bought with a price.

Lord Voldemort taught me that while there is evil present in the world, it cannot exist in the presence of true love.

And lastly, JK Rowling taught me that magic does exist, most especially within our hearts. 

Thus, while the Harry Potter series is finished, the story of The Boy Who Lived will continue to be a source of fascination to me and countless others. Harry Potter will endure because it is brilliantly written, overwhelmingly relatable, and enchantingly real

And in the words of our favorite long-nosed Weasley, "don't let the muggles get you down." Because there's a bigger world out there and it's full of wonderful lessons to be learned. 

"Words, in my humble opinion, are the most inexhaustible source of magic we have"
-Albus Dumbledore