Veni Vidi Vici

"I came. I saw. I conquered."

The three words Julius Caesar spoke of in regards to his success in the conquering of Britain alluded to the fact that nothing was impossible for Rome and its armies. And while it is generally used as a metaphor for other's accomplishments, I can't help but feel that this particular Latin phrase describes my desire to explore the world.

Of course, in order for me to be able to do that, I have to leave the country first. Or the South for that matter. But here's the thing: while I've been exposed to the literature and art and languages of the outside world, I've never had the opportunity to travel and see those things for myself. In fact, I've never even flown on a plane.

Living in the South for twenty years has given me the tools and opportunities to become a well-rounded, educated young woman. The warmth and love so abundant here has shown me why so many Americans choose to never leave the place of their birth. And while the benefits of growing up a Southerner far outweigh the disadvantages, it nevertheless has its drawbacks.

The most frustrating of these hindrances is the feeling one gets of being trapped, a sense of constant claustrophobia, of being surrounded by ignorance and the belief that the outside world holds no appeal. There's a choking fear of realization that's similar to being behind a glass wall with the world whirling by in front of you in all its exciting glamour. All you can do is scream and beat your fists against the glass but no one is able to hear you.

While that particular metaphor might seem a bit dramatic, those feelings can be immensely overwhelming for someone who has as intense of a wanderlust as I do. However, since attending a college with a large population of foreign students, I've been exposed to different cultures, backgrounds, and walks of life that I would have otherwise known nothing about. And because of this exposure, my lust to see the world has only increased.

I've decided that, like Caesar, nothing is impossible if I want it badly enough. I refuse to have regrets in life, especially when opportunities to go and see
are staring me blatantly in the face. Thus, I've begun to organize and plan several overseas trips that I want to embark on in the next couple of years. I want to begin with a 10-day trip to Ireland in May of 2015. From there? Who knows. What's important is that I've decided to let nothing hold me back, especially the voices of others telling me that what I want isn't acceptable. I'll go where I see fit. 

"Oh Darling, let's be adventurers!"
-Fifi du Vie